What is Psoriasis?

What is Psoriasis?
Psoriasis is a reaction of the immune system that accelerates the skin cell cycle. It causes skin cells to reproduce rapidly in the upper layer of the dermis. The excess skin cells create itchy, reddish scales and patches and some produce pustules that are very painful when they dry out. Psoriasis is a chronic disease that sometimes goes away and comes back.
To date, no cure has been found for psoriasis, but its symptoms can be controlled.
And in Nopsor we found the formula that helps to control it.
Depending on the study, the percentage of people affected by psoriasis is presumed to be between 2% and 3% worldwide. (IFDA) (AAD)
The life expectancy of people with Psoriasis and people without Psoriasis is similar. The prevalence of psoriasis increases with age. (Bonifai et al. 1998)
When was Psoriasis discovered?
From ancient times, Hippocrates (460-377 BC) described various skin symptoms such as dryness and scaling under the term "lopoi" = epidermis.
Psoriasis was even confused with leprosy for many centuries. (Wahba et al. 1980)
In 1809, Robert Willan was the first to give an accurate description of Psoriasis. However, it took many more years for Psoriasis to be separated from Leprosy.